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 What will I learn during my 6th grade year?

6th grade is a separate world from 5th grade that will take some getting used to. A similarity between the two is that they both have teachers who expand upon your knowledge more and more each year. Your 6th grade year will be more work than you have ever experienced before and you will learn so much. If you take a look at how far you have come since about third grade, that is an equivalent of how far you will come in a single year of middle school. Your knowledge is taken to new heights and so much more is expected of you. You will double your store of science facts, improve upon your writing extremely, and learn more vocabulary words than ever before. The point of school is learning and you will be amazed at how well the Frogtown teachers work to make that happen. They strive daily to make sure they are giving you work you are capable of doing, but also challenge you to do your best. We all know how much you will learn this year, as long as you stay on top of work and pay attention in your classes. That is when you will realize how far you have come in learning this year.