Welcome to the pond tadpoles!

Extra-curricular activities at the Fort

Dear tadpoles,             
First off, every middle school has clubs, sports, and other after school programs for all grades to join. We have: baseball, soccer, football, lacrosse, basketball, and a volleyball team. We have lots of sports to choose from, but the one that I think is the best is baseball. To be on any of the teams you must maintain a 2.0 GPA or a C average to play on the teams. You are probably wandering what a GPA is? GPA stands for grade point average. You must maintain a C average. You can also join many different clubs. We have: writing, chess, debate, leading ladies, gentlemen’s club, and lots more. We also have some afterschool programs like aftercare and edep. Our school has lots of fun extracurricular activities. Let’s hope you choose to enjoy them!
 Trenton, A sixth grade frog